Kraj / Place: Kamnik, Glavni trg (link)
Datum / Date: 24. 5. 2015 / May 24th, 2015
Tekmovanje / Competition: TempO (Slovenian PreO League 2015, Kup Hrvatske u preciznoj orijentaciji 2015)
Organizator / Organizer: OK Trzin
Traser / Course planner: Mateja Keresteš
Start / Start: prvi start ob 12.00. Startne liste ne bo. / First start at 12:00 am. There will not be any start list.
Karta / Map: Kamnik, 1:4.000, plastnice na 5 metrov, ISSOM / Kamnik, 1:4,000, contour interval: 5 metres, ISSOM
Kategorije / Classes: ena proga; TrailO-Elite, TrailO-A, TrailO-N (ZaÄetniki - netekmovalna kategorija). / One course; TrailO-Elite, TrailO-A, TrailO-N (Beginners - not competitive class).
Prijave / Entries: do 20. maja. Možne prijave bodo tudi prijave na samem tekmovanju. / until May 20th. Entries will be possible in the competition centre.
Startnina / Entry fees:
TrailO-Elite, TrailO-A: 5 EUR, TrailO-N: brezplaÄno / TrailO-Elite, TrailO-A: 5 EUR, TrailO-N: free.
Za prijave po 20. maju: + 3 EUR. / For late entries: + 3 EUR.
Proge / Courses:
TempO - 8 postaj s 5 kontrolami; proga je enaka za vse kategorije. Z kontrole so predvidene. ÄŒas na vsaki postaji je omejen na max. 150 sek. / TempO - 8 stations with 5 controls; course is the same for all classes. Z controls are planned. Time on each sation is limited to max. 150 sec.
Tekmovalni center / Competition centre: Tekmovalni center se nahaja na Glavnem trgu, kjer bo predhodno potekalo tekmovanje v orientacijskem teku. Pot do tekmovalnega centra NE bo posebej oznaÄena. / Competition centre will be on Glavni trg where will be before tempO organized a foot orienteering competition. The way to the competition centre will NOT be marked.
WC / Toilettes:
Razglasitev rezultatov / Prize giving ceremony:
Nagrade / Prizes: praktiÄne nagrade za najboljše tri v kategoriji. / Practical prizes for the best in each class.
Informacije / Information: