Kraj / Place: Kamniška Bistrica (link)
Datum / Date: 24. - 25. 6. 2017 / June 24th - 25th, 2017
Tekmovanje / Competition: PreO + TempO (Slovenian PreO League and CRO-ITA-SLO TrailO Cup)
Organizator / Organizer: OK Trzin
Traser / Course planner: Krešo Keresteš
Karti / Maps: 1:4.000, plastnice na 2,5 metra, ISSOM / 1:4,000, contour interval: 2.5 metres, ISSOM
Karti nista popolni, ker nista popolnoma natanÄni. Zato priporoÄamo uporabo metode branja karte pred metodo linij. / The maps are not perfect, because they are not completely accurate. Therefore we recommend you to use the method of map reading rather than method of lines.
Teren / Terrain:
Kategorije / Classes: Elite, A
Prijave / Entries: do 19. junija. / until June 19th.
Startnina / Entry fees:
10 EUR na tekmovanje v Elite kategoriji in 7 EUR na tekmovanje v A kategoriji. / 10 EUR per competition in Elite class and 7 EUR per competition in A class..
Startnina za prijave po roku bodo 50% višje. / Entry fees for entries after deadline will be 50% higher.
Proge / Courses:
PreO (sobota) - 20 kontrol (Elite) in 18 kontrol (A) z 2 Äasovnima kontrolama na eni postaji (po cilju). / PreO (Saturday) - 20 controls (Elite) and 18 controls (A) with 2 time controls at one station (after the finish).
Proga: 1730 m / 35 m (Elite in A) / The course: 1730 m / 35 m (Elite and A)
ÄŒas tekmovalcev na preO progi je omejen: 120 min. (Elite) in 115 min. (A). / Time of competitors on the course is limited: 120 min. (Elite) and 115 min. (A).
V kategoriji A ni Z kontrol, kot tudi ni Z kontrol na Äasovnih kontrolah. V kategoriji Elite so Z kontrole od najbližje zastavice oddaljene 4 metre ali veÄ ali so na drugem objektu ali so na istem objektu, vendar za vsaj 135° iz smeri. / There is no Z controls in A class as there is no Z controls at timed controls. In Elite class the distance between Z controls to the closest flag is bigger than 4 metres or they are on the other feature or they are on the same feature, but for at least 135° out of direction.
TempO (nedelja) - 6 postaj s 5 kontrolami; proga je enaka za obe kategoriji. To pomeni, da bodo Z kontrole za obe kategoriji in da je Äas omejen na vsaki postaji max. 150 sek. Tekmovanje bomo izvedli v dveh delih po 3 postaje. Podrobna navodila bodo podana v tekmovalnem centru v nedeljo ob 10.30. / TempO (Sunday) - 6 stations with 5 controls; course is the same for both classes. This means that there will be Z controls in both classes and that time on each sation is limited to max. 150 sec. Competition will be done in two parts with 3 stations. Detailed instructions will be given at the Competition Centre on Sunday at 10:30 am.
Invalidom na invalidskih voziÄkih priporoÄamo spremljevalce (lahko tudi drugi tekmovalci), ker je del poti strm. / Assistants (possible also other competitors) are recommended to wheelchair user, because part of the path is steep.
Z kontrole so od najbližje zastavice oddaljene 8 metrov ali veÄ ali so na drugem objektu ali so na istem objektu, vendar za vsaj 135° iz smeri. / The distances between Z controls to the closest flag are bigger than 8 metres or they are on the other feature or they are on the same feature, but for at least 135° out of direction.
Tekmovalni center / Competition centre: Tekmovalni center je pri Planinskem domu v Kamniški Bistrici (600 m). / Competition centre will be at the Mountain hut in Kamniška Bistrica (600 m).
WC / Toilettes: WC je na voljo v planinskem domu. / Toilettes are available in the mountain hut.
Start / Start: Start je pri tekmovalnem centru. Prvi štart bo ob 14. uri in ob 11. uri v nedeljo. / The start is near competition centre. The first start will be at 2.00 pm and at 11.00 am on Sunday.
Startna lista / Start list
Tekmovalci tekmujejo na lastno odgovornost. / Competitors compete at their own risk.
Tekmovalna komisija / Jury: Ján Furucz, Emil Kacin, Zoltán Miháczi
Razglasitev rezultatov / Prize giving ceremony: Samo v nedeljo. Predvideno takoj, ko bo to mogoÄe oz. okoli 14.00. / On Sunday only. Scheduled as soon as possible what is around 2.00 pm.
Nagrade / Prizes: medalje in praktiÄne nagrade za najboljše tri v kategoriji po dveh dneh. Dosežene rezultate v obeh disciplinah bomo sešteli skupaj podobno pravilom v disciplini Štafete: št. napaÄnih PreO odgovorov x 60 sek. + PreO TC Äas + TempO rezultat. / Medals and practical prizes for the best in each class after two days. Achieved results in each discipline will be added together similar to the Relay rules: no. of wrong PreO answers x 60 sec. + PreO TC time + TempO result.
PrenoÄišÄa / Accommodation: možno tudi v planinskem domu (povezava), sicer je veÄ možnosti v Kamniku in širši okolici / possible in the mountain hut (link), but more options are possibilities in Kamnik and around.
Informacije / Information:
TuristiÄne zanimivosti / Tourist attractions: