Croato-Hungaro-Italo-Slovenian TrailO Cup
Hrvaško-madžarsko-italijansko-slovenski pokal v precizni orientaciji
The CHIS TrailO Cup 2024 includes 16 competitions, as shown in the calendar. 3 competitions will be organized in Croatia, 4 in Hungary, 4 in Italy and 5 in Slovenia. The winner of each competition will be given 100 points; other competitors will receive points according to their placement, calculated by a specially adapted formula. To make the competition fair for all four Countries involved, only 3 best results achieved in one country will be recognized for the Cup. If, for example, a competitor participates in all 6 events in Italy only the best 3 will count for the final ranking. By this rule, there will be maximum 12 results available for each competitor to be considered and the best 8 of them will count for the final ranking. The results for the Cup will be kept only for the E (elite) class. Within the Elite class the results will be further divided in three subclasses: Open (all competitors, regardless of disabilities or age), Paralympic (competitors with disabilities according to IOF rules) and Junior (competitors born in 2004 or younger). Plaques for the final ranking will be given away separately for all three subclasses of category E. The competition is open to all competitors, regardless of their nationality, age, gender or musical taste!
Skupna mednarodna liga, imenovana CHIS TrailO Cup 2024, obsega 16 tekmovanj, kot je razvidno iz zgoraj objavljenega koledarja. 3 tekmovanja bodo organizirana na Hrvaškem, 4 na Madžarskem, 4 v Italiji in 5 v Sloveniji. Zmagovalec vsake tekme bo za kon?no lestvico prejel 100 to?k, to?ke za ostale tekmovalce pa se bodo, glede na njihov zaostanek za zmagovalcem, prera?unale s pomo?jo za ta namen posebej prilagojene formule. Da bodo imeli tekmovalci iz vseh štirih dežel enake pogoje za doseganje to?k, se bodo za skupno uvrstitev šteli le trije najboljši rezultati, doseženi v posamezni državi. ?e bo, na primer, nekdo tekmoval na vseh šestih tekmovanjih v Italiji, bodo za kon?no lestvico prišli v poštev le trije najboljši med njimi. Tako bo imel vsak tekmovalec na razpolago najve? 12 rezultatov, izmed katerih se bo le najboljših 8 štelo za skupno razvrstitev. Rezultati v ligi se bodo vodili le v kategoriji E (elita). Znotraj kategorije E bodo rezultati dodatno prikazani za tri razrede: Open (vsi tekmovalci, ne glede na invalidnost ali starost), Paralympic (tekmovalci z invalidnostjo, ki jih v ta razred uvrš?ajo pravila IOF) in Junior (tekmovalci rojeni leta 2004 ali mlajši). Kon?ni vrstni red bo razglašen lo?eno za vse tri razrede v kategoriji E. Liga je odprta za vse tekmovalce, ne glede na njihovo državljanstvo, starost, spol in glasbeni okus!
f = (RP + 1 - RS / (90 * nt)) * 100 / (nc + 1)
f - factor (information how competitor did with the course - 100 is the best theoretical result = all points and 0 seconds at time controls; 0 is the worst possible result = all wrong and max. time and all wrong answers at time controls (nt * 90))
P = f / f1 * 100
f = 100 * (1 - R / (nc * 60))
P = f / f1 * 100
TrailO Combination CALCULATIONS (Relay system)
f = 100 * (1 - R / ((nc+nt) * 60))
P = f / f1 * 100
PreO Sprint CALCULATIONS (only when results in points are used and classification by time on the course)
f = (RP + 1 - RT / TL) * 100 / (nc + 1)
f - factor (information how competitor did with the course - 100 is the best theoretical result = all points and 0 time on the course; 0 is the worst possible result = all wrong and max. time and all wrong answers at max. time = time limit)
P = f / f1 * 100
Slovenska PreO liga
WRE – World Ranking Event
ECTO – Neuradni European Cup in Trail Orienteering
SPOL – Slovenska PreO liga
DP – Državno prvenstvo
Pri izra?unu so uporabljene iste formule kot za CHIS TrailO Cup (glej zgoraj pod CALCULATIONS).
SPOL 2023, SPOL 2022, SPOL 2021, SPOL 2020 je bil odpovedan, SPOL 2019, SPOL 2018, SPOL 2017, SPOL 2016, SPOL 2015, SPOL 2014, SPOL 2013, SPOL 2012, SPOL 2011, SPOL 2010, SPOL 2009, SPOL 2008, SPOL 2007, SPOL 2006, SPOL 2005