Place: Kranj, Slovenia
Date: March 25th, 2023
Competition: TrailO Relay, National Championship, CHIS TrailO Cup.
Organizer: OK Trzin
Event manager: Mateja Keresteš
Course planner: Krešo Keresteš
Class: Elite
Entries: until March 19th! Entries at the
Entry fees: 10 EUR per each competitor, 8 EUR for 20 years old or younger.
Entry fees for the entries after deadline will be 50% higher.
Please pay the entry fee by bank transfer.
At payment by bank transfer please write in the purpose of payment your name or your club name if the payment will be made for the whole team. Please, bring the proof of the payment to the Event Centre where you will receive the receipt of payment.
Make a payment only in euros to the following account:
IBAN: SI56 0313 1100 0191 189
Bank: SKB banka d.d.
Account holder: ORIENTACIJSKI KLUB TRZIN, Motnica 15, 1236 Trzin, Slovenia
Maps: ISSprOM, scale 1:3000 (enlargement from 1:4000) / 2.5 m, link.
Terrain: city park by the river Kokra (relief and rock details).
Saturday, March 25th
Paths: path on the course is suitable for the wheelchairs. Organizers will not provide any assistant.
Course: PreO course (14 controls, 640 m / 5 m climb) - time limit: 61 min. (O & J), 74 min. (P); 2 TempO stations with 5 controls (Station 1 before the start, Station 2 after the finish); Zero tolerance: 4m.
Competitors can only use those routes that are marked in brown on the map, except for those that are crossed out. An exception is a small footpath along which an impassable boundary is drawn on the map (symbol 708 Out-of-bounds boundary).
Start procedure: due to the SSOL event at Naklo, the start of all competitors will take place in any order. Members of the same relay teams will start at least 5 minutes apart.
Event Centre: The Event Centre will be in Kranj near the bridge over river Kokra. The only permitted access to the Event center is via street Kokrški breg. Competitors are FORBIDDEN to cross the bridge over Kokra near the Event center or use stairs near Poštna ulica until they finish the competition. Failure to comply with this provision will result in disqualification.
The Jury: Emil Kacin, Renato Bettin, Jasminka Cindrić Perković.
Parking and access to the Event center: the most suitable are 3 parking places:
Other important information about competition:
Toilettes: Toilettes will NOT be provided in the Event Centre. Possible in the restaurants in Kranj.
Prizes: Practical prizes for the best three teams.
Kraj: Kranj
Datum: 25. 3. 2022
Tekmovanje: PreO Sprint, Državno prvenstvo, CHIS TrailO Cup 2023 in Slovenska PreO liga 2023.
Organizator: OK Trzin
Vodja tekmovanja: Mateja Keresteš
Traser: Krešo Keresteš
Kategorija: Elite
Prijave: do 19. marca! Prijave prek
Startnina: 10 EUR za vsakega tekmovalca in 8 EUR za 20 letne in mlajše.
Startnine za prijave po roku bodo 50% višje.
Prosimo, da plaÄilo startnine opravite z banÄnim nakazilom.
Pri plaÄilu z banÄnim nakazilom prosimo vpišite v namen plaÄila svoje ime ali klub, v kolikor bo plaÄilo opravljeno za celo ekipo. Potrdilo o plaÄilu prinesite s seboj v tekmovalni center, kjer boste prejeli raÄun.
PlaÄilo opravite na naslednji raÄun:
IBAN: SI56 0313 1100 0191 189
Banka: SKB banka d.d.
Prejemnik: ORIENTACIJSKI KLUB TRZIN, Motnica 15, 1236 Trzin
Karta: ISSprOM, 1 : 3000 (poveÄava iz 1 : 4000) / 2,5 m, povezava.
Teren: mestni park ob reki Kokri (reliefni in skalnati detajli).
Proga: PreO proga (14 kontrol, 640 m / 5 m vzpona) - Äasovni limit: 61 min. (O & J), 74 min. (P); 2 TempO postaji s 5 kontrolami (Postaja 1 pred startom, Postaja 2 za ciljem); Z toleranca 4 m.
Tekmovalci lahko uporabljajo le tiste poti, ki so na karti oznaÄene z rjavo barvo, razen tistih ki so preÄrtane. Izjema je steza, ob kateri je na karti narisana neprehodna meja (znak 708 Out-of-bounds boundary).
Startna procedura: zaradi tekme SSOL pri Naklem, bo start vseh tekmovalcev potekal v poljubnem vrstnem redu. Pri tem bodo Älani istih ekip startali v razmaku najmanj 5 minut.
Sobota, 25. marec
Poti: pot na PreO progi je sprejemljiva za uporabnike invalidskih voziÄkov. Organizator ne bo zagotovil nobenega asistenta za invalide.
Tekmovalni center: tekmovalni center bo v Kranju v bližini mostu prek reke Kokre. Edini dovoljeni dostop do tekmovalnega centra je po ulici Kokrški breg. PreÄkanje mostu prek Kokre pri tekmovalnem centru in uporaba stopnic pri Poštni ulici je tekmovalcem PREPOVEDANA dokler ne zakljuÄijo s tekmovanjem. Neupoštevanje tega doloÄila vodi k diskvalifikaciji.
Tekmovalna komisija: Emil Kacin, Renato Bettin, Jasminka Cindrić Perković.
ParkirišÄa in dostop do tekmovalnega centra: najprimernejša so 3 urejena parkirišÄa:
Druge pomembne informacije o tekmovanju
WC: WC NE bo na voljo v tekmovalnem centru. Možno v restavracijah v Kranju.
Nagrade: praktiÄne nagrade za najboljše tri ekipe.